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Henley Bank High School

Henley Bank High School

Henbury School proposes to join Greenshaw Learning Trust

The Governing Body of Henbury School in the west of Bristol is proposing that the school should join the Greenshaw Learning Trust.

The Governing Body, with the school leaders, has been carefully considering the school’s future and evaluating its options, and has agreed unanimously that it believes that the best way forward for Henbury is for the school to become part of the Greenshaw Learning Trust.

Carew Reynell, Chair of Governors, said: “The Greenshaw Learning Trust shares our values and has the experience and capacity to provide the support Henbury School needs to ensure it can provide the education its students and community deserve. The Trust works in similar communities to Henbury School and understands our pupils’ strengths and needs.”

Mike Cooper, Chair of the Greenshaw Learning Trust, said:  “We are delighted that Henbury School wants to join our Trust. As part of the Greenshaw family, close collaboration with like-minded schools and quality support services will help Henbury be the local school of choice in which to work and learn.”

As an academy in the Greenshaw Learning Trust, Henbury School will maintain its ethos and its place at the heart of its local community, whilst benefitting from quality support services and efficiencies that will ensure the school improves and provides the best start in life to all its students.

Subject to the necessary agreements being reached between the school, the Greenshaw Learning Trust and the Department for Education, it is expected that Henbury School will join the Greenshaw Learning Trust on 1 April 2019.

You can find out more and give your views here: