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Henley Bank High School

Henley Bank High School

school News

Please read our latest news below.

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  • 18/03/24

    Ten Tors Weekend - March 2024

    In near-zero visibility and persistent drizzle on Saturday, our Ten Tors students pushed through with determination, bagging 5 of the North Dartmoor Tors and learning lots along the way. 
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  • 29/02/24

    Ten Tors - February

    This term, a number of our students continued their involvement in our popular Ten Tors programme, in which students participate in a number of adventurous expeditions to Dartmoor, developing their fitness, resilience, independence, teamwork, and navigational skills
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  • 28/02/24

    Year 8 and 9 Girls Football County Cup Winners

    We are pleased to announce that our Year 8 and 9 Girls Football Team have won the county cup.
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  • 26/02/24

    Holocaust - Generation to Generation Guest Speaker

    On Tuesday 20th students in Year 9 and Year 10 were privileged to listen to Jeanette Marx, a speaker on behalf of Generation to Generation, to talk about her mother’s experiences during the Holocaust.
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  • 21/02/24

    Japanese visit 2024

    Japanese visit 2024 On Wednesday 21st February, we welcomed visitors from Reitaku Junior High School as part of their annual visit to Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds.
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  • 09/02/24

    Year 8 Local Architecture Project

    Year 8 has just finished an art project based on local architecture in the city of Gloucester
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  • 09/02/24

    Year 7 Insects Art project

    A huge well done to Year 7 on their recent insect final pieces in art.
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  • 01/02/24

    Sixth Form Open Mornings

    Our Sixth Form Open Mornings will take place on Wednesday 21st February, Thursday 22nd February & Friday 23rd February 2024 from 9.15am - 10.15am.
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  • 13/01/24

    Ten Tors Navigation Weekend

    A successful training day out in Wales for our Ten Tors students, this weekend.
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  • 07/12/23

    Consultation on Proposed Admission Arrangements for entry in September 2025/26

    Please click here to read the details on the Consultation on Proposed Admission Arrangements for entry in September 2025/26.
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  • 07/12/23

    Carol service 2023

    Our Year 7 Choir took to the stage at St John the Baptist church in Cirencester to represent Henley Bank High School in the Greenshaw Learning Trust Christmas Carol service.
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  • 05/12/23

    Year 7 & 8 Girls - FA Competition

    Our Year 7 and 8 girls participated in the English Schools FA competition amongst 520 secondary schools across the country.
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