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Henley Bank High School

Henley Bank High School


Henley Bank High School's entry in the school Performance Tables, published by the Secretary of State on the Department for Education's website, can be be accessed here. 

You can see our latest Ofsted Inspection report here

Key Stage 4 Performance Data 

Performance Indicator 2018/19 Outcomes 2021/22 Outcomes 2022/23 Outcomes 2023/24 Outcomes
Progress 8 +0.63 +0.8 +0.92 +0.64
Attainment 8 49.97 54.4 51.5 49.6
% 5+ English and Maths 38% 62% 51% 56.8%
% Pupils entered for and achieving EBACC 10% entered 25% entered 21% 24%
English Baccalaureate (EBacc) average point score   4.72 4.4 4.37

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic results for 2020 and 2021 are not published - schools are not required to publish this information as performance measures, this has been set by the Secretary of State.

The destination data for Henley Bank High School students has not yet been published.